10 July 2009

Joy Comes in the Morning

Words to describe this past week: rough, emotionally draining, sad, crazy, fun, awesome, awful, wonderful, devastating... REALLY??

Here is a short summary of the happenings:

On Monday morning, my team and I all got up, eager to start a new week with our kids. As I was driving the six of us to work, I noticed that there were police cars and crime scene tape ahead. We took a detour and wondered what in the world might have happened. The crime scene was about 5-6 blocks in area. We prayed. Not too long after that, the news came. Some folks had shot up a birthday party the night before. Twelve people were injured, but everyone seemed to be doing okay based on preliminary reports. Then, one victim died on Wednesday-- a 21 year female.

The week continued on and things started to get better... until this morning. The second shooting victim died.

(http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami-dade/breaking-news/story/1135777.html) He was a popular kid in the neighborhood, the boyfriend of an active TML teen, a star football player at the local high school. How much worse could things get?

Many of the teens who help run our day camp ended up going home for the day. The news was too much for them to swallow... too much for anyone to swallow. Many of the teens were at the party. Some were still there when the shooting happened. They are shaken. They are upset. They realize that any of the injured or dead just as easily could have been them.

This week has been a hard one for our kids, as well. Behavior problems and discipline issues were at an all time record high... during a week when my patience was already running low.

Its hard to make sense out of a tragedy like this. Its hard to make sense of it especially when it hits so close to home. Its hard to make sense of it when you look both to the left and straight ahead, and all you see is crime scene tape and people loooking on trying to figure out what just happened in their neighborhood.

Some people say that this is nothing new for Overtown. That everyone is used to stuff like this happening in the inner city. True. They are used to it, but that doesnt make it any easier to deal with. That doesnt make it any easier to lose a friend, a neighbor, a family member.

Thats why I am here though. I am here to be extra patient with children and teenagers, even when I dont think I have any patience left in me. I am here to give extra love to children and teenagers, even when I dont think I have any love left in me. I am here to encourage, support, and be the caring, kind, and compassionate face of Christ to the hurting, the grieving ,and the broken who surround. I am here to hurt, grieve, and be broken right along side those who are experiencing those emotions. And when someone rejoices or celebrates, I will rejoice and celebrate right along with them.

This is what the body of Christ does. We rejoice with one another in the good times, and we grieve with one another in the hard times.

Now is a time for grieving. But wait! Lets not forget... "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again. Rejoice!"

So in the coming days, we will be grieving alongside the community of Overtown, but also ministering to and supporting them, reminding them that "joy will come in the morning", and reminding them of the healing power that can be found in Jesus Christ.

Please pray for the myself and the other TML staff members as we seek out an appropriate response to the events of this past week, and do our best to be Christ for those around us during a tough time.

(Still LOVING it here!!)

Grace and Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers are with everyone there. Your posting is amazing and inspiring. Well thought out and well stated! Continue to look for Christ to lead you as you struggle through these tough times. We love you and are praying for you! Mamma and Daddy
