03 June 2009


I must warn you... Im not much of a blogger. I decided to start this blog upon the requests of like 2, 598, 356 people to do so. I also started it so that I would have a way to process the things I experience this summer. I promise to do my best to keep it updated frequently. Now, on to more important things!

One of the passions that God has given me is a passion for the poor and marginalized people of society. I first began to discover this passion as I watched my brothers minister to the people of places like East St. Louis, IL and Hamtramck, MI. However, it wasnt until I spent a summer at MissionWaco in Waco, TX that this passion truly started becoming my own. It was Waco that I learned, firsthand, what it feels like to be poor. I also learned how much the Bible says about loving and serving the poor, as well as how to be an advocate for the poor in my own community. After serving at MissionWaco, I just couldnt get that experience out of my head. Three years later, I still cant. I think about how it has impacted my life and the way I choose to live it every single day.

So now, three years later, God has presented me with the opportunity to serve in Miami, FL for the summer with Touching Miami with Love. I will be doing urban ministries in a neighborhood called Overtown (This community has a very interesting history. I reccommend that you research it if this type of thing interests you.), which is a predominantly African American community. My primary job will be to help run a children's day camp for children living in drug-infested and otherwise unsafe households. I will be working alongside my six teammates: Bo, Colby, Amanda, Molly, Rebecca, and Joy. I am very excited that God has given me this opportunity and I cant wait to serve alongside this group of folks as we attempt to love on some kids and a community in need with the never ending love of Jesus Christ with which we are overflowing. I ask that you pray daily for myself and my team, the beautiful people whose paths we will cross everyday, and that God would give us a spirit of courage, humility, and unconditional love as we seek to listen God's still small voice in all that we do.

In closing, I am very excited to be just a small part of how God is using college students to make an eternal diference around the world this summer. I am stealing this idea from a few of my friends and placing a list of friends and fellow servants here for you to see. Please pray for these people daily:

Lauren Allen- Boone, NC
Gwen Arsenault- Newfoundland, Canada
Bruce Bentley- Los Angeles, California
Andrew Blakeley-NC and Canada
Nathan Bost-Malaysia
Thomas Chavez-Los Angeles, California
Randall Dameron- All over NC
Mandy Henderson-Kenya
Lyndsey Herring- Alaska
Megan Keith-Sanford, NC
Josh Littlejohn-Los Angeles, California
Amanda Mitchell- NC and Canada
Kelsey Morris-Los Angeles, California
Storm Stewart- Los Angeles, California
Luke Summey-Los Angeles, California
Katherine Wiggins- Johannesburg, South Africa
Rebekah Street- Perry County, AL
Amber Myers- Perry County, AL
Carson Foushee- Uganda
Abby Pratt- Uganda
Anna- Uganda


  1. Great first post, Maria. I look forward to reading more.

  2. hola!
    I am praying for you friend!
    and... btw... I love the spanish setting =)
