16 June 2009

Ohhhh Miami!!

Hello friends! I am finally here in Miami and I am having a blast so far!! However, please know that my Internet access and free time to get on the Internet whenever I do have free time are both extremely sparse. So, I wont be able to update you all as often as I had hoped, but I will do my best to give an update when the opportunity arises.

So far, my team and I are having an awesome time getting to know one another and immersing ourselves into the culture of Miami and Overtown. Although Overtown is a part of Miami, the culture is so different that it seems like two completely different places. If you've ever wanted to go to Puerto Rico but dont want to cross an ocean to get there, Miami is your place. I am pretty sure I wouldnt know the difference if no one had told me. The people are extremely friendly, the weather is very tropical, and there are many Spanish signs around the city. On the other hand, Overtown is a predominantly African American neighborhood. (I have already used my Spanish on several occassions though!!!)

My team and I have been determining what each of our roles will be throughout the summer over the past few days. Because of how many of us there are, as well as a sudden decision by one of our interns not to join us this summer, I have actually taken on the role of Assistant Camp Director instead of being in charge of one of the age groups. I am not exactly sure of everything that entails yet, but I know that God has prepared me specially for whatever may be in store for me. It should be a great challenge and I am looking forward to it!

On Sunday, Amanda, Colby, and I went to the Christ Fellowship Dowtown Mission and shared breakfast, supper, and worship with the homeless. It was a great experience! Rather than volunteering and helping to serve, we simply sat with the people, talked with them, and did everything they did. I met some really great folks and I hope to be able to go back and share that time with them again. As I sat and observed the things around me, I began to think about what I had challenged myself to this summer- seeing Christ in those that I meet. One man I met, Benjamin, really helped me begin to put this concept into practice. He told me about his life on the streets and how he had made several trips through jail in his life. But he also told me about how he had finally discovered that violence and drugs were not the way to solve his life's problems. Ever since he discovered that, he has stayed true to his vow to not ever return down that path, and has also made it his job to help his fellow friends to discover this as well. As he listened to those around him talking about fights they had been involved in, he questioned them and talked to them about why they felt it necessary to fight and tried to help them find another way to resolve their problems. I found this to be very admirable, and I feel that I was truly able to see Christ in Benjamin through hearing his story and seeing the impact he has on those around him. It was really interesting for me to compare this church with Church Under the Bridge. Of course there are positives and negatives you can find in everything, but I feel that seeing these two ministries is helping me to better grasp onto my own ideas and thoughts about ministry to the poor and homeless, as well in reflecting on what Jesus has to say about this topic.

It has also been exciting to visit some of the places around Miami where I may have the opportunity to visit frequently. My team and I have been able to start some awesome conversations with cashiers we have met in stores. Whenever we start talking to these people, it is like they have just been waiting for someone to talk to--someone to listen to them-- someone to act interested in who they are. I hope that we are able to go back to those places and continue those relationships even though we will be so busy with summer camp during the day.

Today, a church came and had a Summer Kick-Off Party for the neighborhood. There was nail painting, face painting, crafts, cookie decorating, basketball, and lots of energy in the air. It was awesome to see everyone interacting and playing together just like they had known one another all their lives. I am excited to see this energy carried over into Summer Camp every week this summer.

A few important side notes:

1. I have already located Pollo Tropical. I am looking forward to a taste of Puerto Rico!

2. People's Drug in Overtown has some sick nasty soul food!

Please pray for: the mission teams that are coming to Overtown to run Summer Camp, the children who will be attending Summer Camp, that God would open doors for us to share his love all over Overtown and Miami.

Grace and Peace.


  1. This is pretty awesome, Maria. It's exciting to see how God is using you already. I think it would be easy for a lot of people to just say hey, I'm here to do summer camp, and thats it. But the fact that you and your team are out striking up conversations with people and loving on them is awesome. I'm so glad you're letting God use you in those ways. I have to admit, when I read this, one of the thoughts running through my head was that I'm really proud to call you my friend. I don't know if that sounds weird or not. I just know that I have a lot to learn from you. Anyway, I didn't mean to get all mushy. So yeah, have an awesome time and keep doing awesome God stuff!

  2. excellent, execllent, excellent.

    God is using you for awesome things! You are still in my prayers, dear
